Post-Cold War Cooperation, Conflict, Flashpoints - Interstate conflict: current flashpoints

6 important questions on Post-Cold War Cooperation, Conflict, Flashpoints - Interstate conflict: current flashpoints

What is the Arab - Israeli conflict?

- Lead to five interstate wars and almost non stop low - level conflict between two groups of people with different national identities claiming the same land

What happend in Iraq : conflict in the Persia gulf 1990 and 2003

Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and thought he would get away with it
1. Iraq always claimed that Kuwait was not a separate state
2. Solution for Iraq's economic problems (due to war with Iran:  Kuwait had enormous oil surpluses)
3. Politically, Saddam was worries about the security of Iraq

Was a short one sided war

What is the Kashmir conflict?

- 3 main characters : India, Pakistan and China
-  more dangerous the former two : India and Pakistan
- Conflict between these countries is dangerous as :
1. They both have nuclear arsenals
2. Have a long history of misperceptions and misjudgements leading to conflict
3. Pakistan is under military control that is risk - taking
4 Pakistan is know for irresponsible nuclear stewardship
5. Pakistan is an instable democracy

International response to the two nuclear power is somehow contradictory
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Why is the danger of international conflict in the South China Sea significant?

There are a lot of small islands whose ownership is contested, the countries have demonstrated a willingness to back up their claims with force and there is an opportunity for misperceptions that could lead to unintended conflict

What about the flashpoint South China Sea?

- Enormous strategic + economic importance : important shipping route -> fishing area -> oil reserves

How about the flashpoint North Korea?

- One of the most challenging interstate conflict management problems today
- Why should a totalitarian underdeveloped nation such as DPRK (the Democratic People's Republic of Korea communist North Korea) form a regional security threat?
1. NK is Aggressive and unpredictable
2. Nuclear weapons + active missile programs

NK policy has been a dangerous mystery -> making it difficult to know how to manage following crises of its actions

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