The Cold War - Explaining the Cold War - Three Approaches

4 important questions on The Cold War - Explaining the Cold War - Three Approaches

What are the three approaches to explaining the Cold War?

Traditionalists, revisionist and postrevisionist

What do traditionalists argue?

Stalin and the SU started the CW at the end of WW2 because of their aggressive and expansive nature. US was the reluctant hegemon.

What is the difference in level one and two revisionists?

They differ in the explanation: level one stress the importance of individuals = Truman was much harsher than Roosevelt and level two see the problem in the nature of US capitalism
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What do postrevisionists see as the explanation of the CW?

Nobody is to blame for the CW, it was inevitable because of the bipolar structure of the postwar balance of power. They believe the American milieu goals clashed with the Soviet's tangible possession goals

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