Post-Cold War Cooperation, Conflict, Flashpoints - Interstate conflict: current flashpoints - A Nuclear Iran?

4 important questions on Post-Cold War Cooperation, Conflict, Flashpoints - Interstate conflict: current flashpoints - A Nuclear Iran?

What about the serious flashpoint Iran?

- Potentially become one of the most powerfull countries in the Middel east
- Iran describes its actions as defensive, not offensive and never invaded a neighbouring country
- It is located strategically, massive oil reserves, missile program, significant nuclear infrastructure
- Not clear how close Iran is to nuclear weapons capability
- The west uses hard and soft power to limit its capability

What about Afghanistan as a flashpoint?

- Weak central government
- Proven resilience due to geographical and ethnological reasons
- Its a home to groups and ideas that other states often find threatening
- Iran and Afghanistan are the most expensive wars in US history

What about Syria as a flashpoint?

- Emerged recently as a significant flashpoint
- Melting pot of conflict and instability
- Protests  against Assad  led to iron fist of Assad -> downward spiral civil war -> torn country apart + miliions of Syrian refugees + created space for brutal radical groups
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What about Yemen as a flashpoint?

- Unstable country = newest flashpoint in the middle East
- Divided during the CW, and inified in 1990, the country never had an extended period of peace
- Much of conflict is rooted in unfinished business
- Its geographical isolation makes it unlikely that civil war will spread
- It is still a flashpoint for international conflict in the same way as Afghanistan : stage for proxy war and incubator and haven for radicalism and transnational terrorism

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