What Can We Expect in the Future? - Alternative visions

6 important questions on What Can We Expect in the Future? - Alternative visions

What are the three things people want from their political institutions?

Physical security, economic well-being and communal identity

What does world federalism mean?

This is a solution for the problem of anarchy by a central world government and states would give up their national armaments

Where do the opinions of Fukuyama and Huntington differ?

Fukuyama says that with the fall of communism the liberal capitalism became the final form of human government, because there are no big competitors. Huntington says that there will be conflicts primarily ideological/economic or cultural
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What is the third view on the future next to Huntington and Fukuyama?

That technology, particularly information technology is leading to a diffusion of power away from central governments

Why wasn't there more nuclear proliferation?

Alliances in the CW gave security guarantees to allies => Realist, superpower cooperation and the development of a nonproliferation regime of norms and institutions (liberal), proliferation was curbed by treaties (liberals)

What is the problem with competing against cyber attacks?

You can't proof if the cyberattacks really came from a government or from criminals

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