The Failure of Collective Security and World War II - The rise and fall of collective security

6 important questions on The Failure of Collective Security and World War II - The rise and fall of collective security

Why did Wilson call for his fourteenth point which later became the League of Nations?

He knew mere paper agreements and treaties would not be sufficient and security had to be a collective responsibility

Which two related concept collective security involeves?

1. Sovereignty
- legal supremacy within a given territory: which was partially given up to the international community in return for collective security and the protections under ->
2. International law
- The league of national goal was not to have a world government with a higher authority, but rather to make states collectively discipline unruly members

Why did the US hold back when the League was an American liberal plan to reorder world politics?

They feared for the American sovereignty and the constitutional power of the Senate to declare war

US didnt accpe the constraint by international law and didnt sigh treaty of versailles: why did the us dit not sign?
- Clash between idealism (wilson) and realism (senate) two kinds of american moralism
- Normalcy avoid involvement in international affairs
- isolationist impulse rejects European balance of power
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What were the two aspects that the Treaty of Locarno had in 1925 that granted Germany a seat in the League of Nations?

- Germany guaranteed that the borders with France and Belgium would be inviolable
- Germany promises to arbitrate before pursuing changes in the eastern borders with Poland and Czechoslovakia

How can the Manchurian Failure be summarized?

When Japan wanted to enter the major powers, the US and England resisted by excluding racist laws and ending bilateral treaties. Friction increased with China due to boycotts. Japanese army staged an incident and used that to take over Manchuria (a quasi-independent land of warlords). When it was brought to the League, it showed the slow, cautious and totally ineffective procedures

How can the Ethiopian Debacle be summarized?

Italy didn't succeed to annex Ethiopia, so they tried again in 1935. The conference imposed four sanctions. From a balance-of-power point of view, England and France wanted Italy to join them against Germany, which meant the balance of power in Europe prevails the collective-security in Africa

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