Explaining conflict and cooperation: tools and techniques of the trade - Key concepts - System stability and crisis stability

3 important questions on Explaining conflict and cooperation: tools and techniques of the trade - Key concepts - System stability and crisis stability

What is a system?

A set of interrelated units interacting in a regular way that may be more or less complicated

1. Structure : the configuration (structure or distribution) of units
2. Process : the interaction of the units

Systems can be material, ideational (languages) or both (international system)

What is an international system?

A combination material systems or ideational systems

- The international system is social
- Having rules, international body of law, well - specified rights and obligations, and even an international etiquette

Realist view : International system is social only in a thin, superficial sense

Liberalist and constructivist view : thing that the social constraints on action are much thicker

Goal of international system : safeguard the sovereignty and security of its members

What is international society?

Stronger normative and institutional threads binding states

In a weak social system, states rely more on self - help; distribution of power is crucial to system stability; sates from alliances to balance power.

A crisis - stable situation (Cold War) exists when there is mutual assured destruction; function of (prevailling beliefs about) technology

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