Post-Cold War Cooperation, Conflict, Flashpoints - Managing Conflict - International Law and Organization

3 important questions on Post-Cold War Cooperation, Conflict, Flashpoints - Managing Conflict - International Law and Organization

Where is the sovereignty of member states protected in the charter of the UN?

In article 2.7

What are international organisations?

UN or WTO : do not act as world government because:
1. Protect sovereignty of member states : effectiveness entirely depends on member states realisation
2. Weakness : states may refuse jurisdiction. Resolutions not laws
More like soft power than combination of hard and soft power than domestic leaders have

What is international law?

International court of justice
15 judges elected by the UN
Not a world supreme court and states may refuse jurisdiction and judgements
- Every country has one vote -> does not reflect democratic criteria not power

It is similar to domestic law as it consist of treaties. However differs dramatically in:
1. Enforcement : no executive to force state to accept judgements: sometimes provided by the great powers/ Self - help system
2. The role of sanctions
3. Adjudication is by states not by individuals -> only cases to court brought by the states

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