The Information Revolution and Transnational Actors - Power and the Information Revolution: From the Invention of Writing to the Arab Spring

4 important questions on The Information Revolution and Transnational Actors - Power and the Information Revolution: From the Invention of Writing to the Arab Spring

What are the crucial changes in the communication between states?

Reduction in the cost and an increase in capacity

What will change dramatically because of the internet in world politics?

World politics will decreasingly be the sole province of governments; individuals, NGOs, terrorists will be empowered to play a direct role in world politics

Why did the Arab Spring start?

Mohamed Bouazizi (young street vendor) lit himself on fire because corrupt officials repeatedly barred him and confiscated his wares in December 2010
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What is fragmentation described by James Rosenau?

Express the idea that both integration toward larger identities and fragmentation into smaller communities can occur at the same time

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