From Westphalia to World War I

4 important questions on From Westphalia to World War I

What was the Peace of Westphalia in 1648?

A set of treaties, with the most important ones (Osnabrück and Münster) ended the Thirty Years' War

What is the order of periods from 1815 to 1914 in the 19th century balance of power system?

Changes in structures and processes within this period were in influential in the two world wars. Three distinct periods of structure
- Neo - realists : distribution of power

Loose multipolarity,
Rise of Germany
Bipolarity of Alliances -> two blocks
1. The triple Entente (GB, France and Russia)
2. The triple alliance (Germany, Austria, Hungary and Italy)
Result: inability to maintain balance

What was the goal of the Concert of Europe?

European powers sought to maintain order by holding this periodic congress to deliberate and strike agreements that would preserve the balance of power and stem the revolutionary tide of liberal nationalism
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What were the deep, intermediate and precipitating causes of WW1?

Deep causes = changes in the balance of power and certain aspects of the domestic political systems
Intermediate = German policy, the feeling that war wasn't that big of a deal and personal idiosyncrasies of the leaders
Precipitating = assassination of Franz Ferdinand

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