Post-Cold War Cooperation, Conflict, Flashpoints - Instrastate Conflict

4 important questions on Post-Cold War Cooperation, Conflict, Flashpoints - Instrastate Conflict

What are ethnic or communal wars?

Wars in which belligerents define themselves in part along cultural lines such as language, religion or similar characteristics

What is intervention according to Nye and Welch?

External actions that influence the domestic affairs of another sovereign state

What are the four exceptions to the rule of non-intervention that Michael Walzer discusses?

1. Preemptive intervention: if there is a serious imminent act that threatens a state seriously, they may act first
2. Intervention is needed to balance a prior intervention:
3. When it is necessary to rescue people who are threatened with massacre
4. The right to assist secessionist movements that have demonstrated their representative charater
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What is Responsibility to Protect (R2P)?

"Where a population is suffering serious harm, as a result of internal war, insurgency, repression or state failure and the state in question is unwilling or unable to halt or avert it, the principle of non-intervention yields to the international responsibility to protect"

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