The Information Revolution and Transnational Actors - Transnational Actors

3 important questions on The Information Revolution and Transnational Actors - Transnational Actors

What are transnational actors?

Non - sate entities acting across international borders and the agenda of international politics is broader

Transnational relations : In complex interdependence, there are many interactions across state border outside the central cotronol of the foreign policy organs

What are the two forms of world politics?

1. Traditional (only interaction between people and their governments; and between governments through regular intergovernmental politics

2. Transnational / contemporary world politics (interaction between subunits of governments and societies
- The transnational model captures not everything: complex interdependence is also about the significance of other actors in addition to states

Why do we have a War on Terror and not a War on Climate Change?

Because people are particularly sensitive to threats that are intended by others, that trigger moral outrage, that seem clear and present, and catch us by surprise. Climate change isn't that.

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