The Cold War - Explaining the Cold War - Phases of the conflict

5 important questions on The Cold War - Explaining the Cold War - Phases of the conflict

What was the Truman Doctrine?

In the Greek-Turkey conflict, instead of being honest about the balance of power in the Mediterranean, Truman said hè needed to protect free people everywhere.

What did Stalin think of the Marshall Plan?

Stalin saw the Marshall Plan as an economic battering ram to destroy his security barrier in Eastern Europe

Why did the plans for the NATO commence?

Because the US advanced plans for West German currency reform and Stalin replied with the Berlin blockade. The US answered with an airlift and began plans for an anticommunist alliance
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Why did the US government publish NSC-68?

Because the SU exploded its first atomic bomb and the Chinese Communist party took control of mainland China

How can the Korean War be summarized?

North Korean troops stormed into South, Truman responded with the UN Security Council all the way into North Korea. The Chinese pushed the UN soldiers back to the 38th parallel

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