From Westphalia to World War I - The origins of World War I - Three levels of analysis

8 important questions on From Westphalia to World War I - The origins of World War I - Three levels of analysis

What are the two key elements at the structural level?

The rise of German power and the increased rigidity of the alliance systems

What were the three causes at process level?

The continued rise of nationalism, decisive wars won by the strong would be a welcome change and the German policy

What were the two domestic causes of WW1?

The internal crises of the declining Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, and the domestic political situation in Germany
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What was wrong with the domestic political situation?

Germany's efforts towards a world hegemony were an attempt by German elites to distract attention from the poor domestic integration of German society

What was the final domestic cause of WW1?

All military leaders of all countries showed their rapid mobilization and deployment

What is the structural (third level) origin of WW1?

- Rise Germany (upsetting balance) & rigidity alliance systems
Triple entente vs. Tiple alliance
- Uneven development & rival imperialisms
(Germany's ate search for colonies

What is the domestic (second level) origin of WW1?

- Rising nationalism and threat to multinational empires
- Germany industrial capitalist class seeking expansionism as alternative to socialism -> link to structural

What is the individual (first level) origin of WW1?

Mediocrity  (middelmatigheid) of leadership -> risky policy without any skills

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