Wireframes - Defining a process

6 important questions on Wireframes - Defining a process

Is an annotated specification specifying controls, rules, and feedback, and telling people how it works.


  1. Static
  2. Not suitable for usability testing
  3. Blueprint for development
  4. Includes annotated notes or system rules


  1. Interactive
  2. Recommended for usability testing
  3. Aid for development (don't use alone)
  4. Typically no annotations

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  1. Hierarchy = Information architecture
  2. Structure = User flows
  3. Content = Wireframes
  4. Rules = Wireframes

Handover documentation

  1. How a website is structured
  2. How content is organised
  3. Influences primary navigation (but not all navigation)
  4. Defines where content "lives"

Information architecture

  1. Understand where it sits in the structure
  2. Understand its sequence in the main flows
  3. Be conscious of different screen states

User flow

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