Mobile - Responsive website v mobile website v native app

5 important questions on Mobile - Responsive website v mobile website v native app

  1. Computer program built to perform a certain function or set of task
  2. Word, Excel, Spotify, Chrome browser

Software application

  1. Can be used on any operating system that has a web browser.
  2. HTML, CSS, JS

Web application

  1. Website adjust as the size get smaller
  2. Benefit efficiency, one website works on all devices

Responsive website
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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Android apps are built-in...

Java programming language

  1. Run-on the operating system of the mobile device
  2. Expensive to build
  3. Potentially smaller audiences than a website
  4. Build to optimize the use of smartphones
  5. More powerful
  6. Potential to deliver a better user experience

Native apps

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