User Research - More research method

7 important questions on User Research - More research method

Allows you to organize content in a logical and intuitive way for end users.

Card sorting

  1. Organise into groups
  2. Give groups name
  3. Must be more more than one group
  4. Must be a max of 10 groups
  5. No groups called "Misc", "Stuff" or "Other"

Task you give with Cart Sorting

Allows you to serve up either box A and 50% of visitors will see option B.

A/B Testing
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It tested all different combinations of different images with different labels.

Multivariable test

  1. If you want to figure out which individual elements, which combinations would give the best results.
  2. A technique that helps you optimize and improve your existing software over time.
  3. Facilitates improvements, optimisation
  4. Encourage experiments
  5. Validates assumptions (or not)
  6. Data-driven design

Benefits of A/B testing

  1. How other organizations solve the same problem.
  2. Reviewing other websites.
  3. Reviewing other mobile apps.
  4. How do best-in class websites and apps solve the problem?
  5. What can we emulate?
  6. What can improve?
  7. What conventions have been established that we need to follow?

Competitive benchmarking

  1. Homepage
  2. Search and select
  3. Entering details

Defining categories by competitive benchmarking.

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  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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