User Research - Heuristics

6 important questions on User Research - Heuristics

Way to assess wether your software adheres to user experience best practice or not.

Heuristic evaluation

  1. Rules of thumb
  2. Characteristics of best practice
  3. Criteria to measure against  


  1. Software should be interested in me
  2. Software should be forthcoming
  3. Software should be self-confident
  4. Software should have common sense

Software should be polite, Alan Cooper
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Heuristics: Software to reduce the friction between human and machines, it needs to have humane characteristics like politeness.

Alan Cooper

Visibility of system status is just another way of saying that your software should let people know what's going on.
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Prevents guesswork
  • Stops people from repeating actions, when they're not sure if the system is responding

Jakob Nielsen's heuristics

Two types of memory retrieval.
  1. It's easier to recognize names, pictures, and symbols.

Recognition over recall, Jakob Nielsen

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