Prototyping and wireframing - About High-fidelity prototypes

5 important questions on Prototyping and wireframing - About High-fidelity prototypes

  1. Assess flows and concepts
  2. Assess screen design and layout
  3. Assess data in/data out workflow
  4. Assess the performance of form design
  5. Test rich interactions, such as mapping

What you can learn from a high-fidelity prototype

  1. Ability to convey rich interactions
  2. Stakeholder management
  3. Richer data and insights

Benefits of high fidelity prototypes

  1. Screen sketches and flow diagrams
  2. Choosing the prototyping tool
  3. Build the screens
  4. Incorporate text and labels
  5. Incorporate interactions

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  1. Allows for rich interactions
  2. Deepest user insights
  3. Allows testing of visual style
  4. Ability to iterate quickly
  5. Forms the basis for wireframes and specification

Pros of high-fidelity prototypes

  1. Difficult to know when to stop
  2. Learning curve required
  3. Time-consuming
  4. Not cheap

Cons of high-fidelity prototypes

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