Mobile - Mobile navigation

6 important questions on Mobile - Mobile navigation

The primary goal of navigation is to help users find information and functionality, and encourage them to take desirable actions.

Mobile navigation

  1. Critical to good experiences
  2. Helps people flow through your app faster and smoother
  3. Reduce friction
  4. Saves time

Good navigation

  1. Choose appropriate navigation
  2. Choose it for our overall app
  3. Choose it for specific tasks within app

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  1. Tabs
  2. Off-canvas
  3. Floating buttons
  4. Content as navigation
  5. Blended

Basic navigation styles

  1. Broad content or functionality
  2. Too many options for tabs
  3. All options of equal importance

Off-canvas menu

  1. Popular with utility apps
  2. Prioritizes certain use cases
  3. Can also be used for navigation

Floating buttons

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