Introduction to UX Design - What is UX?

7 important questions on Introduction to UX Design - What is UX?

What are the business benefits when you use UX?

  1. Increase revenue.
  2. Reduce costs.
  3. Increase customer acquisition.
  4. Increase conversions.
  5. Increase customer satisfaction.
  6. Increase customer retention.
  7. Reduce customer churn.
  8. Reduce time to market.

What does a UX Designer need to communicate with stakeholders?

Business case

  1. 51% increase in online sales.
  2. 84% increase in registrations.
  3. 620% increase in mobile shopping.
  4. 9.5% increase in customers.
  5. 17.7% increase in revenue.
  6. 170% increase in order value.
  7. 70% decrease in support questions.

Examples Bussiness case
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Trying to convince your organization that the money spent on the UX project will ultimately increase revenue or reduce costs by the same amount or higher.

Building a business case

Getting the product balance right what do you  need?

  1. Viability (business)
  2. Feasibility (technology)
  3. Desirability (customer)

What are the magic benefits of the design process?

  1. The vision is clear.
  2. The product is visualized in high fidelity.
  3. The process has a natural structure.
  4. Ideas can be iterated cheaply.
  5. Three success factors were given equal importance.

How does UX fit in an Agile approach?

Squeeze all the design steps into a shorter, compact timeline.

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