Mobile - Different application types

8 important questions on Mobile - Different application types

Four different app types:
  1. Utility
  2. Process
  3. Consumption
  4. Commerce

UXDI Application framework

Is the series of steps the user has to go through to get a problem solved or a task completed.


  1. The structure of the workflow
  2. The complexity of the workflow

App defined based aspects
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  1. How involved is the workflow?
  2. How much work is required?
  3. How many steps are there?
  4. How much information or data does the user have to enter?
  5. How many calculations?
  6. How much processing does the software do?
  7. How long is it going to take?

Complexity of flow

Simple and structured;
  1. Online banking
  2. Uber
  3. WhatsApp
  4. Sports tracking app
  5. Calendar
  6. Does one thing, one purpose

Utility application types

Complex and structured;
  1. Very structured
  2. Very predictable
  3. Very ordered
  4. Multiple steps and a lot of information to enter in

Process application type

Simple and random;
  1. Not structured
  2. Not a whole lot of work
  3. Netflix, Facebook, online education

Consumption application type

Complex and random;
  1. Amazon, Asos, Walmart
  2. Lot of things to put in, a lot of things to get back out, and the journey through is complicated and totally random.

e-Commerce application type

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