Optimal lane depths for single and multiple products in block stacking storage systems - Worst-case performance of cube per order index

6 important questions on Optimal lane depths for single and multiple products in block stacking storage systems - Worst-case performance of cube per order index

What is the COI of an SKU?

The ratio of the number of locations assigned to the SKU and its pick frequency

When is the COI close to the I/O point optimal?

When the SKU is close to the I/O point

Why is, according to Heskett, Cube oriented slotting still possible to apply in multi command?

Because of the desire to place orders, not items, as close as possible to one another. The stock location planner must lay out items within a zone in a sequence that will provide a logical flow through the zone
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What is the whale principle?

To construct one huge popular order (whale) and many small slightly less popular orders (the sardines)

How bad is the COI in comparison with the OptimalSlotingStrategy?

Given a positive integer p, then there is: a warehouse configuration, a set of SKUs and a set of order for these SKUs such that COI oders picking time is p times larger than OOS

How does Schuur proof that COI is worse than OOS?

By applying the whale princinple. One huge order for a popular SKU and multiple small orders for a slightly less popular SKU

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