Activity relationship layout

10 important questions on Activity relationship layout

What are the characteristics of the relationship chart?

The relationship Charts are square and symmetric and shows the relationship in both directions

Where does SLP stand for?

Systematic layour procedure

How are activity relations be specified?

In quantitative or qualitative data
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What does a relationship chart say?

A qualitatively measurement between departments

Why is it important to have the relationship chart one way (a is the same as b, b is the same as a)

To prevent inconsistancies

With n departments, how many combinations must be considered?


What are proximity requirements?

Requirements for locations that needs to be close to each other.

Which two methods exists for developing layout alternatives?

Construction type and improvement type

What do construction layout methods do?

Construct a new layout from scratch

What do improvement layout methods do?

Improve the current layout by seeking imprvements in the existing layout

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