Introduction to facility location - Important factors in facility location

13 important questions on Introduction to facility location - Important factors in facility location

What could be important factors in facility locations?

  • Proximity to raw materials
  • proximity to skilled/cheap labor
  • proximity to customers
  • taxes, regulations, incentives
  • political stability

What is most applicable to warehouses? Discrete location problems, continues location or network location models?

Discrete location problems are most applicable to locating warehouses or distribution centers.

What is typical in discrete location problems

Men generally arrive at nodes. In warehouses or distribution centers there is a finite set of candidate solutions.
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What is the main difference between discrete location problems and continuous or network location problems?

In discrete location problems there exists a finete set of candidate solutions.

What is daskins covering based models?

To design facilities that have to meet certain demand regarding a area they must cover. For example fire stations that has to be at location in X minutes

What is the difference between coverage and service?

Something might not be covered, but served. When the facility is not able to cover the client by responding within X time, the customer will still be served, but is not covered by the facility

What three type of covering based models are there?

Set covering, max covering and p-center

What is the goal of set covering?

To minimize the cost of opening new facilities to service existing facilities or customers

What is the goal of the p-center location problem?

To minimize the cost of covering all demands over all distances

Where is median-based modelling typically applied?

In distribution planning contexts and in places where minimizing the total outbound/inbound transport costs is essential

Which two median based-models exists?

P-median and fixed-charge facility location problems (UFLP)

What is the goal of uncapacitated fixed charge facility location problems

To minimize the cost of opening new facilities and transporting goods

What is the goal of a p-median location problem?

To minimize the demand-weighted total (or average) distance between demand and the nearest facilities

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