Basic storage location methods - location assignment under dedicated sotrage policy - single command dedicated storage

5 important questions on Basic storage location methods - location assignment under dedicated sotrage policy - single command dedicated storage

How could you calculate minimized single command dedicated storage

By solving a linear programming model

What is the cube per order index (COI)

#required storage locations / #trips in/out of storage per period (Si/Ti)

In single command and with COI index, how to decide where SKU must be placed?

SKUs with the lowest COI must be placed clost to the golden zonde, floor or doors.
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In Single command order picking with the fluid model, how to decide where to place SKUs?

The SKUs with the highest pick density (pi/vi) must be placed in the most convenient locations

In a warehouse, what are the most convenient locations?

Those are the golden zone locations, close to the floor and/or close to the door

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