Optimal order picking in a conventional warehouse

9 important questions on Optimal order picking in a conventional warehouse

What heuristic routing strategies do we already know?

  • S-shape
  • return
  • midpoint
  • largest gap
  • composite

What is the S shape strategy?

When an SKU lies in an aile, walk down the whole aile when collecting the SKU

What is the return policy?

Do not go the end of the isle, unless it's needed. Only walk trough the aisle as fas as needed and than immideately return
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What is the midpoint strategy?

Never cross an entire isle, except for the first and last one. Draw an invisible line trough the middle of the warehouse and only cross that line twice.

What is the largest gap policy?

The largest gap is not visited by the order picker, but is avoided.

What is the goal of the optimal picking policy?

To formulate a route so that the total overall travelling time is minimized.

How can the pick sequencing problem be formulated?

As a traveling salesman problem

What simplification can be made in the Ratliff Rosenthal algorithm?

We can leave out aisles that are not used and make a new graph of all aisles that are used with adjusted horizontal distances

What defines L j - in the Ratliff Rosenthal algorithm?

Unconnected warehouse route with uneven paths. Uncompleted route

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