Distance approximation for the S-shape hall versus Us - Expected travel dist Y direction S-shape

4 important questions on Distance approximation for the S-shape hall versus Us - Expected travel dist Y direction S-shape

Given the assumption that an aisle have infinitely many pick locations, what is than the probability that a given item is in that aisle?

The probability is given by 1/M

What is the probability that a given item is not in that isle is equal to?

1-(1/m) = (m-1)/m

What is the probability that an aisle is traversed when picking orders?

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What is the complication with the given approximation for calculating the y distance?

An odd number of picking aisles adds extra distance, probability for that is 0.5. Therefore transform the approach to the following: 0.5y + My*(1-((m-1)/m)^N))

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