Storage and retrieval cycle - measuring dual command travel times

6 important questions on Storage and retrieval cycle - measuring dual command travel times

How could expected travel time be minimized in single command warehouse shaping?

By utilizing contour plosts based upon the manhatten distance from pick locations in the plane to the I/O point

What is E{i}

The interleaving time, the expected trvel time two arbitrary pick locations

What is the expected interleaving time?

1/3 x * 2/3 y
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What is the common structure for calculating travel times with the manhatten metric?

E{SC/I/DC} = alpha *x + 2 alpha * y

How to optimize the warehouse with area A?

Minimize x + 2y in such a way that x* y = A

What is the optimal expect ratio?

X* : y* = 2:1

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