Routing in an Automated storage/retrieval system

8 important questions on Routing in an Automated storage/retrieval system

How are the axis called in an AS/RS system?

Horizontal Y and Vertical Z (height)

How to calculate the ratio b of the maximum speed vertical travel time and the maximum speed horizontal travel time?

By setting b equal to (z/Vz) * (y/Vy)

When is the performance of an AS/RS system the best?

When the shape factor b=1.
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What metric can be used to measure travel time in an AS/RS system?

By using the Chebyshev metric

What are the characteristics of the chebyshev matrix?

Movements take place in the vertical plane and their is simultaeous displacement in length and height

What is the objective of the AS/RS problem?

To determine a rout of the crane such that total required time is minimal

When travel times of loaded crane is independent of the routing, what becomes the objective?

To minimize total empty travel time

For the final objective, do we want as many single command retrival/storage or as many dual command cycles?

In the final solution we want as many dual command cycles as possible.

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