Aquatic ecosystems - The aquatic ecosystem

14 important questions on Aquatic ecosystems - The aquatic ecosystem

What are the main compartments in an aquatic ecosystem?

-littoral zone: shallow part near shores where mostly water plants are present
-pelagic zone: deeper open water part
-benthic zone: sediment and directly surrounding water layer

What are phytoplankton or planktonic algea?

Small micorscopic plants that live suspended in open water. They are more abundant in slow moving water bodies. When in large quantities the can colour water.

What are the main types of algae in an aquatic ecosystem?

-phytoplankton/planktonic algae, live in pelagic zone, contain chlorophyll. Input of trients and standing water conditions can lead to algal blooms. 3 forms are: diatoms (yellow, break out in spring, silica cell walls are hard to dissolve), green algae, blue-green algae.(cyanobacteria, prokaryotes, produce lethal toxins)
-periphytic algae: periphyton,  biofilm, epiphyton
-filamentous algae: long green threads, form flab (floating algae beds) when they capture gas bubbles.
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What are the main types of macrophytes in an aquatic ecosystem?

- emergent species (growing above water)
-submergent species (growing under water). Helophytes (plants growing in marshes) are partly submerged.
-floating species: duckweed

What are the main types of macro-invertebrates in an aquatic ecosystem?

synonyms: macrofauna, macro evertebrates.

-shredders: turn rough material into fine pieces
-collectors: filterers and gatherers consume fine organic pieces
-scrapers/grazers: graze organic material from stones, bed, plants
-predators: carnivores eating other invvertebrates

when living on or in the sediment: benthic invertebrates.

What are periphytic algae?

They have a immobile life under water on the bottom or on another surface. They form a complex mixture of algae, cyanobacteria, hetrotorphic microbes and detritus indicated as periphyton. They are an important food source and can absorb contaminants

What are different quality indicators in water systems?

-physiological niches : the aquatic commuunity reflects environmental conditions and therefore water quality of aquatic ecosystem
- Water quality assessment system for the european water framework directive (EWF): based on the presence of aquatic invertebrates.
-use of phytoplankton or zooplankton composition as reference for organic pollution

Where do bacteria and fungi mostly live in aquatic systems?

In the benthic zone, they are heterotrophs and dus break down dead organic matter into inorganic compounds.

What are filamentous algae?

Long green threads that feel soft and loose. Their different algae species and if they grab air bubbles they float and wil form flab (floating algae beds).

What are macrophytes of aquatic plants?

Vascular plants that have adapted to living in aquatic environments.

What are four adaptions of water plants?

-floating leaves and finely dissected leaves to increase the surface for higher gas exchange and light absorption
-plant cuticle (thin protecting film) is missing to have higher gas exchange
-epidermal (outside) cells contain chlorophyll to increase light absorption
-stomata (openings) are missing

What are the 2 mentioned forms of microfauna in aquatic ecosystem?

-protozoa single-celled microorganisms. Consume bacteria, small algae. Important food source for zooplankton
-zooplankton: transfer organic material to higher trophic levels. Primarily found in surface waters, feed on bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton, detritus.

Which 3 aspects determine the structure and fuctioning of a biological community?

-substance and energy cycle
- competition
- food web

What are bentic invertebrates?

Macrofauna species that live on or in the sediment. In temperate shallow lakes the prduction of them is more important than that of zooplankton and most fishes are fed by this production.

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