Aquatic ecosystems - Trophic interaction

10 important questions on Aquatic ecosystems - Trophic interaction

What are the 2 strategies of competition?

1) Scramble (using nutrients more efficient)
2) Inference (physical interference, agressive)

What are the forms of biological interaction?

1. competition
- scramble competition
-interference competition
2. Predation 
-food web relations

Why is competition between primary producers so important in the water?

Because they cause the most trouble.
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What is the aquatic food web?

1st level: phytoplankton
2nd: zooplankton
3rd: planktivorous fish
4th:piscivorous fish

What are ontogenitic shifts?

The change of diet in different stages of a lifecycle.

Why is it usefull to understand the food web?

1) fishery
2) effect of eutrophication
3) effect of toxic compounds

What is the size-efficiency hypothesis?

Large zooplankton species can reduce the phytoplankton biomass due to their efficient filtering and diverse diet.

Why is the water more turbid in lakes with a lot of fish?

The fish eat the larger zooplankton (daphnia) and so only the smaller zooplankton can survive. Those smaller species can only eat small algae and the high biomass of large phytoplankton species cause turbid water.

How can fish cause turbid water?

1) eating the large zooplankton (water fleas)
2) disturb the sediment and so bring back nutrients in the water for algae to eat and cause turbidity

What is the Dutch stratagy to clear water with fish?

Reintroduce predatory fish (decreases the number of juvenile fish that eat large zooplankton) and improve their habitat by stimulating aquatic plant growth. This way jvenile pikes can hide their and will likely survive.

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