Porter & Kramer 2006 - Strategic options - Three social issues

4 important questions on Porter & Kramer 2006 - Strategic options - Three social issues

According to Porter & Kramer, 2006, there are 3 categories in which the social issues that affect a company, fall. Which three are these?

  1. Generic social issues.
  2. Value chain social impacts.
  3. Social dimensions of competitive context.

What are generic social issues?

May be important to society but are neither significantly affected by the company's operations nor influence the company's long-term competitiveness.

What are social dimensions of competitive context?

Factors in the external environment that significantly affect the underlying drivers of competitiveness in those places where the company operates.
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What does it mean to create a corporate social agenda, in the sense of strategic CSR?

Categorising and ranking the social issues as a means to an end to create the corporate social agenda.

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