Crane & Matten (2010/16) - Consequentialist Theories - Utilitarianism

6 important questions on Crane & Matten (2010/16) - Consequentialist Theories - Utilitarianism

Whose interests are pursued with utilitarianism?

The interest of everybody, the community.

When is an action morally right, according to this theory? The most influential philosophers here are: Jeremy Bentham & John Stuart Mill.

If it resolves in the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people that are affected by the action.

What are you maximising when looking at utilitarianism?

We are maximising collective utility.
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When making a decision according to utilitarianism theory, what is the best thing to do if you have a scenario that involves a variety of stakeholders? Think of the example discussed where the choice was to either save 1 person or 5.

You look at the benefits and costs for everybody. If the benefits outweigh the costs then that is the right thing to do.

After analysing all the good and bad effects for the persons involved one can add up 'pleasure' and 'pain' for the action, and what would the result be?

The utility of the action.

What is the difference between 'act utilitarianism' and 'rule utilitarianism'?

Act looks at single actions and rule looks at classes of action and asks whether the underlying principles of the action produce more pleasure than pain for society in the long run.

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