The balance of payments

11 important questions on The balance of payments

Why is a good balance of payments important?

It can have influence on the exchange rate and can lead changes in economic policies.

Deficits can lead to the government raising interest rates or to reduce public expenditure.

What is the definition of balance of payments?

The balance of payments is a statistical record of all economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world in a given period.

What can we do with the balance of payments?

1. The balance of payments reveals how many goods and services the country has been exporting and importing
2. To see whether the country has been borrowing from/ lending to the rest of the world.
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How do we gather information on transactions?

- Authorities collect information from customs authorities, surveys of tourist numbers and expenditures, and data on capital inflows and outflows.
- Information about government expenditure and receipts with foreign resident is obtained from local authorities and central government agencies
- The statistics are based on a reliable sample, but are still just an estimate. The IMF provides guidelines and publishes the balance of payments of all member countries.

What is the trade balance?

Visible balance: (X-M) the difference between receipts for export of goods (credit) and expenditure on imports of goods (debit)

Invisible balance: the difference between revenue received for exports of services and payments made for import of services)

What is the formula for Balance of payments (BoP)?

BoP = CA + K + ORA
> Accounted for a statistical error

What are the five types of economic transactions that take place between domestic and foreign residents?

1. Exchange of goods/services in return for a financial asset.
2. An exchange of goods/services in return for other goods/services (barter)
3. An exchange of a financial item in return for a financial item
4. A transfer of goods and services with no corresponding quid pro quo (food aid)
5. A transfer of financial assets with no quid pro quo (gift)

By what is the US's NIIP affected?

1. The size of the US current account
2. Changes in the local currency values of US assets/liabilities (Price of US foreign stocks > US stocks owned by foreigners) =improvement of the NIIP
3. Changes in the dollar exchange rate: depreciation of the dollar against the euro will raise the value of a euro, so it improves the NIIP

What are mechanisms that could lead to correction of the US current account deficit?

1. Rise in real US interest rates
2. Depreciation of the dollar in real trade-weighted terms
3. A decrease in US budget deficit through tax raises/ decrease in government expenditure
4. An. Increase in economic growth rates in other countries, which could increase US export

What is the identiy of an open economy?

Y = C + I + G + (X - M)

Y = national income
C = domestic consumption
G= government expenditures
X = export expenditure
M = import expenditure

What is private savings in an open economy?

S = Yd - C = I + G + X -  M - T

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