Religious Rejection
6 important questions on Religious Rejection
Why might people have turned to non-religion?
2. post 1960's it perhaps became a default position rather than a conscious choice as throughout the long 60's many drifted from christianity and so were less likely to bring their children up as christians.
Prominent New Atheist 1: Sam Harris.
* Believes islam is the most aggressive faith ( a main point in the book).
* Follows the 9/11 attack
* He challenges all Abrahamic beliefs and religious faith itself
* Faith = dangerous to him, see's it as problematic and that it should be abolished.
* He does not condemn all aspects of religion however and even accepts spirituality e.g. in Buddhism as it is not dogmatic and is evidence based and rational.
Prominent New Atheist 2: Daniel Dennett
* He self identifies as an atheist. 'A godless philospher' (2007)
* Relates religious ideas to a parasite infecting an animals brain and ultimately controlling it until it perishes.
* He believes in the importance of understanding religion and believes the best approach to understanding it is the cognitive science of religion.
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Prominent New Atheist 3: Richard Dawkins
* He argues tht evolution is superior to religious creationism.
* He is based on a scientific and naturalistic approach as well as epistemology and philosophy.
* He agrees with Harris that religions of the world are dangerous.
* He is a positive atheist.
Prominent Atheist 4: Christopher hitchens
*He rejects all religions i.e. abrahamic, buddhism, hinduism, mormonism.
primary motivation is dangerousness
be;ieves in literature.
What are three common characteristics associated with New Atheism?
2. Are often interpreted as a religious endeavor/ phenomenon similar to religion e.g. Wolf 2006 said "church of non-believers" and "Prophetic attack on prophecy".
3. It is often seen as disrespectful or aggressive towards religions
e.g. Wolf 2006 uses language of New Atheists deeming war on religion "Extremism in opposition to extremism".
Furthermore, the 4 writers when met together were referred to as the four horsemen- relating to the biblical narrative "the four horsemen of the apocalypse"
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