Business-NGO partnerships

5 important questions on Business-NGO partnerships

What is the reason why, based on the quote stated to the left, gsk and Save the Children want to collaborate?

Both parties have specific expertise. Knowledge of companies is often rotted in market-based logic (here scientific expertise) and NGO's have more local expertise (on the ground expertise).

What are the 5 drivers for business to have a business-NGO engagement? And shortly discuss the drivers

  1. Innovation: cross-fertilisation of knowledge.
  2. Reputation: NGO credibility with public because they evolve around societal issues - brand image.
  3. Engagement: Desire to engage with stakeholders.
  4. Risk management: Desire to head off negative public confrontations (relates back to the reputation argument).
  5. Welfare: Employee satisfaction.

What are the 5 brakes on business side when it comes to business-NGO engagement?

  1. Different end goals/primary goals.
  2. Different worldviews/values.
  3. Concerns over confidentiality of information shared with NGOs.
  4. Difficulties of addressing increasing expectations.
  5. Short-term financial concerns/opportunity costs (what else can the company do with the resources they now use for the partnership).
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What are the drivers for NGO's to engage in business-NGO engagement? List the 4

  1. Innovation: Cross-fertilization of knowledge.
  2. Credibility: Partnering with MNCs (as an actor in the field).
  3. Resources: Need for funding, technical skills, management etc.
  4. Impact: Greater potential of market-based solutions, greater leverage.

What are the 4 brakes on the NGO side when it comes to business-NGO engagement?

  1. Inconsistency in company "talk" and "walk".
  2. Perceptions of co-optation? (the partnership can steer more towards the interests of the corporation than the NGO)
  3. Conflicts with membership and fundraising base. (Oatly)
  4. Opportunity costs: working through other (e.g. Regulatory) channels.

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