Freeman & Elms, 2018 - Broader point of article

6 important questions on Freeman & Elms, 2018 - Broader point of article

What is the broader point that the article makes regarding the role of business in society?

They say that we actually need a more responsible version of capitalism.

Who have a lot of responsibility in achieving a more responsible version of capitalism?

Companies, consumers, employees and investors have a lot of responsibility for achieving this.

What is the way to achieve a more responsible version of capitalism in terms of the role of companies?

Stakeholder value maximisation.
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How can consumers add to reaching a more responsible version of capitalism?

By purchasing more responsibly.

What is the main idea behind the achieving of a more responsible version of capitalism?

It is a collective responsibility.

What does responsible capitalism depend on?

Responsible behaviour from both business and its stakeholders.

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