Companies and NGO's - Features that make companies likely targets

4 important questions on Companies and NGO's - Features that make companies likely targets

What 7 features lead to a company being at risk of being targeted by activists?

  1. Offers life-threatening (e.g. Arms) or unhealthy (e.g. Alcohol, tobacco) products.
  2. Produces significant spillover effects and/or deals with natural resources (e.g. Mining, forestry).
  3. Does business in different regions with differing ethical and social norms (e.g. Textiles).
  4. Is based on new technologies (e.g. Genetic engineering).
  5. Enjoys high brand awareness.
  6. Has a history of 'doing bad'?
  7. Has a history of doing good.

What is especially interesting when it comes to companies that deal with natural resources due to their impact on the environment in terms of eliciting a reaction?

They elicit a lot of protests in the actual communities where these companies are operating.

Why are companies with high brand awareness often a target?

Because activists know that if they target well-known companies they can gather more people around their cause.
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Why are companies that do really good often a target of activists?

Because they have set the expectations very high and so criticism tends to be worse.

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