Georgallis, 2017 - Hoffman, 2009 - Shades of green

4 important questions on Georgallis, 2017 - Hoffman, 2009 - Shades of green

By analysing the movement, Hoffman realises there are shades of green between dark and bright. What do they represent?

Different types of NGO's.

List the 5 shades of green that are discussed in the article by Hoffman, 2009.

  1. Isolates - refuse to partner.
  2. Captives - few business ties, few sectors.
  3. Independents - few business ties, many sectors.
  4. Bridges - many business ties, few sectors.
  5. Mediators - many business ties, many sectors.

How are the different shades of green distinguished?

Based on their ties to business and to sectors.
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What color do you call the Isolates?

Dark greens.

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