Mitchell, Agle & Wood, 1997 - Three elements - Stakeholder salience for mapping

7 important questions on Mitchell, Agle & Wood, 1997 - Three elements - Stakeholder salience for mapping

Which three variables (stakeholder classes) are important when looking at mapping stakeholders?

  1. Latent stakeholders (have 1 element/relationship attribute).
  2. Expectant stakeholders (have 2 elements/relationship attributes).
  3. Definitive stakeholders (have 3 elements/relationship attributes).

What is the Latent, Expectant and Definitive Stakeholder also referred to as?

A typology of stakeholders, stakeholder classes. They determine the salience of the stakeholders (latent is low).

What is the most important aspect to take into consideration when doing a Stakeholder Analysis (identifying which stakeholder fits in which variable when mapping stakeholders (latent, expectant and definitive)?

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Latent Stakeholders, low salience, come in three possible forms, which three are these?

  1. Dormant stakeholders: power. (gun, money, attention of news media)
  2. Discretionary stakeholders: legitimacy (corporate philanthropy).
  3. Demanding stakeholders: urgency.

Expectant stakeholder classes, more salient, come in three possible forms, which three are these?

  1. Dominant stakeholders: power and legitimacy.
  2. Dependent stakeholders: legitimacy and urgency. (depend on other stakeholders or managers for power)
  3. Dangerous stakeholders: urgency and power.

Why are dangerous stakeholders considered dangerous?

Because they have urgency and power but not legitimacy and often tend to be coercive and possibly violent.

What type of expectant stakeholder is most likely to become a definitive stakeholder?

The dominant stakeholder, because claim's can become urgent.

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