Three elements - Stakeholder salience - Stakeholder analysis

5 important questions on Three elements - Stakeholder salience - Stakeholder analysis

When looking at urgent requests, what could be an example?

Activists for example who would want you to stop something directly, then it asks for immediate action.

Why would the government have power over the UvA?

Because universities are partly government funded.

What does power really depend on? What is an example for universities? Or for corporates?

How you characterise the group. So for universities you could say students have power as soon as they come in a large group but usually their power is less than the institution. And for corporates investors, if they group up.
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What is an important stakeholder for Unilever? And what elements do they poses?

Suppliers, often not power because they are easily replaced, but legitimacy and urgency often they do have.

What are the three most important stakeholders of Unilever?

Investors, consumers and suppliers.

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