Introduction - Creating shared value - How to create shared value

6 important questions on Introduction - Creating shared value - How to create shared value

In terms of the first avenue regarding the creation of shared value, Reconceiving products and markets, what question does this essentially evolve around?

Is your product good for your customers? You want to sell products and services that create societal benefits.

In terms of the second avenue regarding the creation of shared value, Redefining productivity in the value chain, what do Porter & Kramer suggest is the best way to achieve this?

They state that in the value chain there are opportunities to create shared value, mainly because societal problems create economic costs so by creating efficiencies in its value chain it can solve societal problems.

The third avenue is about enabling the development of local clusters. What is this according to Porter & Kramer?

Companies should think of themselves as operating in a cluster. And it is important to support the development of the cluster because this can benefit the company itself.
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On what dimensions can a company create efficiencies in its value chain? List the 6

Energy use and logistics, resource use, procurement, distribution, employee productivity and location.

What is an example of the redefining productivity in the value chain by Coca Cola?

They reduced their water consumption and thus not only reduced a cost to the environment but also for themselves.

Who are for example included in the cluster of a company?

Businesses, communities, governments, NGO's and infrastructure.

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