Introduction - Creating shared value - CSR vs. CSV

4 important questions on Introduction - Creating shared value - CSR vs. CSV

When looking at the relationship of CSR and CSV to profit maximisation, what are the differences?

CSR: separate from profit maximisation; CSV: integral to profit maximisation.

How is the agenda determined of companies that engage in CSR opposed to those that are engaged in CSV?

CSR: agenda is determined by external reporting and personal preferences; CSV: agenda is company specific and internally generated.

What is the relationship between CSR and CSV in terms of the budget that can be spent on the two?

CSR: impact is limited by corporate footprint and CSR budget; CSV: realigns the entire company budget.
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What is an example of CSR according to Porter & Kramer, and what an example of CSV?

CSR: Fair trade purchasing; CSV: Transforming procurement to increase quality and yield.

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