Structured Solution Development - Possible Solutions - Hypothesis 'How

6 important questions on Structured Solution Development - Possible Solutions - Hypothesis 'How

When it comes to the 'how' and thus the hypothesis testing, there are three steps taken up in the analysis design of the hypothesis, which three are these?

  1. Break down the question for analysis;
  2. Prioritise;
  3. Choose the analytical approach.

Here we are talking about a different type of hypothesis than was discussed before, before we spoke of a hypothesis about possible causes of the result gap where the problem diagnosis required abductive inferencing, for what is the hypothesis set up now? And what type of inferencing is required?

Here we shall test a hypothesis about a solution, where you will preferably use deduction.

How does deductive inferencing work?

Deduction moves from the general to the specific.
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What does the test of a hypothesis require, what needs to be tested?

The test of a hypothesis means tests of each assumption underlying the hypothesis.

When it comes to prioritising, what are the 2 things that should be taken into account?

  1. 80/20 rule: identify the largest client(s), largest cost driver etc.
  2. Focus!
    1. Focus on making answers acceptable instead of providing incontestable proof. Otherwise your schedule will be in danger

In terms of the step Focus! What are the 3 sub-questions that you can ask yourself to see whether you're managing to?

  1. Do we need to analyse all the elements that contribute to our phenomenon?
    1. No? Leave some out.
  2. Do certain conclusions touch multiple elements ?
    1. Group them.
  3. Is one element easier to analyse?
    1. Do this one first.

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