Communication - A Communication Strategy

5 important questions on Communication - A Communication Strategy

A communication strategy consists of two parts, which?

  1. Formulate your goal
  2. Keep in mind your audience

Why is it key for the consultant to know who is in their audience?

Because the purpose of the presentation is to convince the client to adopt the solution.

When formulating the goal in the presentation, what 5 tips of how to deliver this are important to keep in mind?

  1. Empowering - encourage involvement
  2. Stimulating - encourage a creative environment
  3. Moderating - encourage a meaningful conversation
  4. Proposing - selling your idea
  5. Telling - deliver information
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As the consultant is most likely to present to different types of audience, what is essential to do in order to make sure that your presentation comes across as well as possible?

Translate the presentation into different types for the different target groups.

Why is it important to get the employees on the same level as the C-suite of an organisation?

Because in the end, the recommendation must be implemented.

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