Communication - Weeks, 2005 - The Minto Pyramid Principle

4 important questions on Communication - Weeks, 2005 - The Minto Pyramid Principle

When answering the question in the opening of your memo which is: "Why am I reading this?" and considering that a consultant wants directly to know what the relevance and utility is of the document as a whole, which 4 elements is, according to The Minto Pyramid Principle, an effective introduction that tells a story built around ?

  1. The situation: quick, factual sketch of the current business situation that serves to anchor the reader
  2. The complication: problem that unsettles the situation in the story you're telling (reason for memo or report)
  3. The question: What should we do? How can we do it?
  4. The answer: your response to the question and your solution to the complication.

When you are constructing the pyramid, you are making the case for the solution you believe is best, what 2 recommendations does Minto come with in this stage?

  1. Stay away from sentences initially and diagram your arguments and data (small and digestible chunks of info)
  2. Work from the top down: cluster and hang those chunks in a pyramid shape, with the information below developing and supporting the points above.

What perks does the pyramid principle give the listener? (3 perks)

  1. Listener is given the main message right at the start
  2. With the main message in mind, the listener can 'place' background info
  3. Listener can stop listening whenever interest or time dictates
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What is important for a strong message? List the 2 points mentioned

  1. Write your message on the top of the slide, using one sentence which fully captures your recommendation
  2. Use hard-hitting statements, your conclusion has to be strong and meaningful

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