Possible Solutions - Hypothesis - Dealing with uncertainty in your analysis

3 important questions on Possible Solutions - Hypothesis - Dealing with uncertainty in your analysis

Why is there uncertainty in an analysis?

Because we have an imperfect understanding of our environment and future.

What are 2 techniques that consultants may use for dealing with uncertainty?

  1. Build scenarios - chart the key uncertainties that face the client, identify the main drivers of uncertainties, develop alternative scenarios for the future.
  2. Conduct sensitivity analysis - assessing the impact of uncertainty on their solution.

There are 4 solutions that deal with uncertainty, which 4 are these and how do they deal?

  1. Contingency planning - create back-up scenarios following events
  2. Hedging - following portfolio theory compensate high-risk with low-risk scenarios
  3. Stage gates - staged investment plan (start small, increase when risk drops)
  4. Purchase/set up real options - small start-up investments allow for scale-up once future scenario become real

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