Structured Solution Development - Possible Solutions - The Workplan

4 important questions on Structured Solution Development - Possible Solutions - The Workplan

What? How? Who? When? What does the workplan mirror?

The workplan mirrors the break-down of the analysis.

What does the workplan allow a team to do? What is the workplan the basis of?

The plan is the basis of delegating the tasks to the project team members.

What does the manger use the plan for in terms of approaching its team member?

He/she uses the plan to divide the work among the team members and the plan gives detailed and concrete instructions to the members.
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What are the 2 reasons why a client will ask for a workplan?

  1. They want to see how you will approach the problem; what they are paying for.
  2. They want to make sure that your approach is exhaustive enough.

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