Implementation - Involvement Consultancy Types

6 important questions on Implementation - Involvement Consultancy Types

What is the role of the client in all 4 of the consultancy types involvement?

  1. Critical view: client is passive, and manipulated
  2. Expert: client implements and uses consultants' expertise as input in the process
  3. Doctor-patient: client is passive, and undergoes the implementation
  4. Process: client implements with the help of consultant (co-creation)

What is the consultant-client relationship when it comes to the 4 consultancy types?

  1. Critical view: powerful, persuasive consultant
  2. Expert: powerful client, consultant respected for expertise
  3. Doctor-patient: powerful consultant respected for competencies
  4. Process: equal relationship

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2013, a number of one-liners of CEO's have been given that show the importance of strategy execution, implementation, which 8 are these?

  1. 88% of CEO's consider implementation crucial in the near future
  2. 61% say they struggle with implementation
  3. 56% of strategic initiatives fail
  4. Companies who's business models are not aligned with strategy, report lower financial results
  5. Nr 1 driver of success is C-Suite involvement
  6. 50% say implementation receives too little attention
  7. 28% of executives say implementation is typically under-appreciated
  8. 59% of companies do not provide enough qualified personnel for implementation
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Of the companies where c-suite is involved in implementation, qualified personnel is provided, adequate reporting is present...

65% perform higher than companies who do not involve such measures.

According to Kaplan and Norton, 2008, how much percent of companies fall short of the success predicted by their new strategies?


According to Baaij (2014) there are two reasons 'why' an implementation might fail, which are these? And shortly elaborate on them

  1. Flawed solution: the implementation may be perfect but the consultant's solution cannot create the desired results (may not address the real problem)
  2. Flawed implementation
    1. Unforseen developments (external and internal shocks)
    2. Neglect of people side of change
    3. The client-consultant relationship

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