Baaij (2014) crucial for cross functional implementation - 8s model of Higgins (2005) - Problematic Strategy Execution

7 important questions on Baaij (2014) crucial for cross functional implementation - 8s model of Higgins (2005) - Problematic Strategy Execution

Why are the 8s not aligned which leads to a problematic strategy execution? List the 2 reasons

  • Leaders do not see the need
  • or fail to see the implications (verwikkeling)

What strategy can make this problematic strategy execution into an optimal one?

A strategy that focuses on getting all the arrows pointing in the same direction, aligned.

In the Figure that has been added here, what can be seen as a direct result of the fact that none of the Ss are aligned?

Performance is not pointing in the same direction as strategy (direct result of none of the other Ss aligning with strategy).
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What often happened in the past when the arrows point in different directions?

The previous CEO wanted structure in a certain direction, and the systems and process arrow reflect the strategy of the CEO, 2 CEO's ago.

What is crucial to get and keep the Ss aligned?

Changes in one S should go across all functions.

One large fail was by late CEO Jager of P&G, what was his fail based on?

He was moving too quickly to try to do too much too soon and a failure to communicate.

What mis-alignment is the largest to lead to failure?

Mis-alignment of leadership style and culture.

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